The deadline for submission of abstracts for oral and poster contributions to 8th SLATCC - SLATCC 2018 is July 16th, 2018. For submission, please follow the instructions further below in this page.
There will be a prize for the best poster presentations.
Among the abstracts submitted for oral presentation, the outstanding ones might be invited for a longer talk at the beginning of the respective session.
Upon submission, the preference for oral or poster contribution will have to be indicated, and the session of interest will have to be chosen among the following ones:
1- Biopharmaceutical trends
2- Genome editing and cell line development
3- Upstream process development
4- Downstream process development
5- Continuous and integrated processes
6- Product development and product quality
7- Biosimilars
8- Viral and recombinant vaccines
9- Cell and nucleic acid therapies
Decision on the acceptance of abstracts and selection for oral or poster presentation is planned to be taken by August 20th, 2018.
Final abstracts should be submitted until July 16th by email to the address “”, attaching a Word file with the abstract NECESSARILY prepared according to this abstract template file. Send ONE email for EACH abstract submitted. Any other form of submission will NOT be accepted.
In the BODY of the email containing the submitted abstract, please NECESSARILY copy the text in italics below and indicate your choices according to the numbered list of sessions above:
(A) Most preferred session for this work: ____ (choose from 1 to 9: indicate number and name of session)
(B) Second preferred session for this work: ____ (choose from 1 to 9: indicate number and name of session)
(C) Preferred form of presentation of this work: ( ) Oral ( ) Poster
Important remark: Please do NOT send doubts to “” (this email address is for reception of final abstracts ONLY). For any doubts (but NOT for abstract submissions) “” is the email address to be contacted.